Amaryllis Bouquet


If you’re looking for an elegant flower arrangement with fantastic vase life, then this is the one for you.  Amaryllis make an elegant cut-flower and with the right care, this arrangement will last all over Christmas.

Available from 10th December.

The bouquet will include 5 long stems of amaryllis (colour varies), 1 stem of holly berry and a mix of foliage including eucalyptus,birch and fir.

It will be gift-wrapped and can be sent via courier nationwide.

When you receive the bouquet, recut the stems and place in fresh water.

Available from 10th December.

Amaryllis Care Notes:

The stems are large and hollow, so some light splitting is normal. Also the ends will curl once in water. We recommend cutting the stems with a sharp knife to avoid crushing.

The flowers will be sent in bud.  The shorter you cut the stems, the quicker the flowers will open.

If you can change the water in the vase every 3-4  days the flowers will last longer. Also, avoid placing next to radiators, stoves etc.

Weight 2.5 kg

Bouquet Only, Bouquet With Jug

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