Lux Greenery Bouquet


Foliage is beautiful in its own right, and can make a simple and elegant arrangement. This bunch of Irish-grown foliage has scent, colour and texture, and just because it’s Christmas, we’ve added a few extras.  A vibrant stem of red holly berry,  some dried teasel, branches, and poppy seed heads. Beautiful on its own, or you can add a few stems of flower – (just one or two amaryllis would be perfect!).


The foliage will include a mix of foliage such as eucalyptus, fir, rosemary, conifer, silver sussex, bay and other seasonal evergreens.

This bouquet will be presented in gift wrap and ribbon, and can be sent anywhere nationwide by courier. Once you receive your foliage, you should recut the stems before placing in fresh water.

Please note: the jug is not included in this price.

Weight 1 kg
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